Saturday, May 22, 2010

Diarrhea is not pee! Alien mystery solved!

Hagenburg - The mysterious colored stains on the patio, awning and garden furniture. Even the police were alerted by residents of a house in Hagen (Lower Saxony).
Everywhere, yellow, black and purple spots. First, much of the suspicion of a Transall military machine of the Bundeswehr, which had flown low over the area. The airplane lost a dangerous liquid? Or did their business here Aliens?
According to the report with EXPRESS.DE> more spots cases were known. The army looked at the pollution in Hagenberg.
Without result - both police and armed forces as were at a loss.
But now it seems the mystery solved: Wachholderdrosseln should be to blame. A bird expert said appearing in Hagenburg "Landes-Zeitung ': A bird of prey sitting on the roof was probably the target of the birds have been. "Fieldfare are known if they hate, 'they defecate to their enemy as to command to him as to put out of action."
Currently, there is enough food for the birds in the area. If it'll come to a stress situation by threatening, diarrhea was the consequence.
Does that mean in plain text on the stone relief in Hagenburg Meer - no aliens threat, not a bad-boy-stroke, no Bundeswehr breakdown.
Also of interest: Is this a mysterious cadaver Alien Babies? > Loch Ness Monster spotted in Google Earth> lemon-Alien said: "Come with us!">