Friday, May 28, 2010

Metro Stars blow-hero to the great bear hunt

Berlin / Düsseldorf - tired reached the DEG-winner by 2 clock at night her hotel on Wednesday, was already at the first session in the capital, the evening was jointly looked off Barcelona against Bayern -, recharge batteries. This can blow the MetroStars-hero on Friday with full steam on the first bear hunt.
"The mood is good, we enjoyed the great final entry in short, but now have full focus on the first final game," said Manager Lance Nethery before the first hit against the reigning champions.
After already 12 playoff games, three of which were in the Verlängerng (compared to only eight games, which had previously denied the polar bears), the Dusseldorf forces employed at the stop. "Interest me at all. We will be fit, but we do have trained since the summer and played. We want to give Berlin a great fight, "announces captain Daniel Kreutzer. "Our Young Rascals, although makes mistakes, but also has the quality to transcend in big games on it."
She needs to be. DEG is as rank outsiders into the master race. Nobody has really on the list.
"Should we still underestimate all. So that we can live fine, "striker Patrick Reimer remains cool. "We finally have nothing to lose. We will do our best - and then we want to see. "
The DEL-dominators from Berlin to see already on the road to victory. But of Dusseldorf underdogs with the main city dwellers still some big accounts open at once.
"In 2006 they defeated us in three games in the finals, in 2008 took the Berlin semi-finals in only five games to send us on vacation," lists Reimer. "Maybe this time we're it." Abandoned from the outset will not! The ice-Geilen, their fans have with their wild playoff appearances so far so good talk, are hot. "I want to be perfect!" Explains Captain Kreutzer. Since a victory in game one would be a very important step ... We will be fit, but we do have trained since the summer and played.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Diarrhea is not pee! Alien mystery solved!

Hagenburg - The mysterious colored stains on the patio, awning and garden furniture. Even the police were alerted by residents of a house in Hagen (Lower Saxony).
Everywhere, yellow, black and purple spots. First, much of the suspicion of a Transall military machine of the Bundeswehr, which had flown low over the area. The airplane lost a dangerous liquid? Or did their business here Aliens?
According to the report with EXPRESS.DE> more spots cases were known. The army looked at the pollution in Hagenberg.
Without result - both police and armed forces as were at a loss.
But now it seems the mystery solved: Wachholderdrosseln should be to blame. A bird expert said appearing in Hagenburg "Landes-Zeitung ': A bird of prey sitting on the roof was probably the target of the birds have been. "Fieldfare are known if they hate, 'they defecate to their enemy as to command to him as to put out of action."
Currently, there is enough food for the birds in the area. If it'll come to a stress situation by threatening, diarrhea was the consequence.
Does that mean in plain text on the stone relief in Hagenburg Meer - no aliens threat, not a bad-boy-stroke, no Bundeswehr breakdown.
Also of interest: Is this a mysterious cadaver Alien Babies? > Loch Ness Monster spotted in Google Earth> lemon-Alien said: "Come with us!">

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Good thick yoga mat


Inside recent times several men and women have grow to be mindful of the innumerable benefits that the exercise of yoga offers. This happening has struck masses allabove the world. The teen and also the aged, males, females physical fitness freaks along with experts are turning towards yoga like in no way just before. When these types of important may be the amount of the yoga followers it truly is necessary that the crucial data on all the aspects with this form be supplied to the men and women. This write-up will make an effort to focus on a person such element of yoga, the yoga mats.

thick yoga mat

The prerequisite from the yoga mats vary with the practice of yoga. There are a lot of choices obtainable for all kinds of yoga exercise practitioners so that you can select one as per their own requirements. The yoga mats are out there to accommodate all shapes, sizes on the physique along with the distinct yoga exercise asanas. The expecting mothers take up yoga exercise to guarantee seem wellbeing for them as properly as the the newborn. However, for these kinds of women the selection with the thick yoga mat is very important. Highest care have to be taken prior to deciding on a person. Attempting it out very first is advised. The first necessity of mats for this kind of women will usually be a solid cushioning. However, it truly is a good idea how the recommendation with the concerned doctor plus a experienced yoga exercise practitioner should be seeked.

For that normal yoga exercise practitioners the exercise mats which can be firm contributing to an in . thicker can be ideal. Additional, one particular ought to acquire into consideration the use as well as the preferences while getting the yoga exercise mat.

The popularity of yoga has made it possible to effortlessly get a proper kind of mat that could be appropriate for your practice. You are able to even shop online for this kind of mat’s as you'll find an abundance of websites that accomplish the yoga mats sale and invest in about the web.

Yoga exercise is a great deal diverse than the various other extending exercise that you just have to be practicing within the well being club. It is really a additional improving knowledge that rejuvenates the mind, body plus the heart. A yoga exercise mat is really a necessity in case you eye to obtain the highest rewards by doing the yoga exercise asanas.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

The irreconcilable

Hoffenheim / Cologne -
Once they joined a thick friendship. Now there is silence. On Saturday (15.30 clock) Ralf Rangnick let go (51) and Mirko Slomka (42) their teams together. Hoffenheim against Hannover - this is a personal trainer duel full of emotions.
Ralf Rangnick as head and assistant coach Mirko Slomka as - that was once a dream team. Two friends, who together Hanover 96 and FC Schalke trained 04th "I have really enjoyed Ralf," said Slomka. "I had him by his great family, fantastic children, and also may mitgenießen very good friends. And all this is gone now! For me, this is still a bit incomprehensible. "
What destroyed the close friendship between men? The break came in December 2005. At that time, Schalke manager Rudi Assauer dismissed after weeks of discord Rangnick - and heaved his Adlatus Slomka Schalke on the head coach post. "I have nothing to reproach myself, because I have nothing Ralf taken away," said Slomka. "I had to Schalke then a current contract, and Ralf had already been dismissed. Unfortunately, the contact is very cool to him, and I frankly say that I have lost a very good friend, a great man. "
Rank Nicks allegation at that time: Slomka had his friend on his promotion is very impersonal informed via SMS, it is not personally involved in the decision. Today Hoffenheim coach for EXPRESS: "We have since become a non-relationship. That has not changed. "On the official press conference for the game against Hannover yesterday he said:" We're normal with each other for how colleagues simply. "But no trace of friendship. "We will be on Saturday, perhaps exchange a few sentences."
Is this a some trouble in the coaching zone? Slomka is on reconciliation. "I admire him. Unfortunately, the close contact is torn, broken friendship. I see no chance to change that. "After that, it also listens to Nick at Rank. "I'm happy for him that he has a new job. But he wants to success with Hanover on Saturday, I want success with Hoffenheim. And this is not the only thing that separates us. "

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Press Statement by Christoph Daum

Cologne - coach Christoph Daum has übersein Cologne's law office on Tuesday, a press statement on his vorzeitigenVertragskündigung the 1st Bundesliga FC Cologne made.
DieDeutsche Presse-Agentur dpa documented in the text of the statement.
"I have my contract with the 1st FC Cologne 30.06.2009fristgemäß terminated on. Last Saturday, I have a sportlichwie financially compelling offer from a top European club getting. Then my lawyers have negotiated over the Pfingstwochenendeeinen longer-term contract, which I've gesternunterschrieben.
With my new club, until further genanntwerden would not, I have the opportunity to play right back internationalzu what was alsTrainer for me is always my greatest incentive and desire. In addition to me there sporting environment commands, with which I can reach for the next few years, the Champions League.
Thus, my decision is not against the 1 FC Cologne, sondernfür the new challenge. I would have executed even like to give my season nocheine current contract. My mission in Cologne ISTAB ohneAbstiegsgefahr satisfied with the rise and the achievement of a midfield place in the past Bundesliga season, highlighted woraufich after the last Bundesliga match had. Damithaben can be created all of us together in Cologne, a base on which jetztweiter successfully built.
I am grateful for the excellent cooperation at the 1 FC Cologne, diephantastische support of the fans and I wish to 1 FC Cologne allesGute. A part of my heart will always stay here. "

Monday, May 3, 2010

Babbel first spoke about his brother's suicide

Deeply moved by the tragic suicide of goalkeeper Robert Enke († 32) Stuttgart coach Markus Babbel had first talked about the suicide of his own brother.
"My brother has done 20 years ago, the same as Robert Enke. In the same way," said the VfB Stuttgart coach several newspapers.
When asked about the fate of Enkes Babbel reported after the afternoon training of the Swabian Bundesliga soccer team Friday by the unprecedented tragedy in his family.
"Like my brother," he said. His four years older brother Gerard had thrown herself in 1989 in Munich present a plummeting train.
Markus Babbel was then 17, his brother 21st
Learn More
Moving display of national team
Tears, sadness, silence
Police appealed to the fans
Enke: Even DFB psychologist was deceived
Match cancellation costs five million euros
Jörg neblung helps her in the hour of grief