Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Coach crashes in order - two dead

Schwarzenbek - In a bus accident on the motorway near Hamburg 24bei Schwarzenbek Menschengestorben on Friday morning two. Eleven other passengers were injured, some seriously.
DerBusfahrer suffered a severe shock, police said. Derpolnische coach was about 04.50 clock in the Duchy of Lauenburg (Schleswig-Holstein) between the exit and Schwarzenbek Talkauaus yet unknown causes to the right of the roadway abgekommenund slid into a ditch. Two Businsassen died yet derUnfallstelle their injuries.
   An expert took on the job. First results should seinerUntersuchungen still available during the day. The occupied with 28Erwachsenen coach was traveling in the direction of Hamburg, alser ran off the roadway. More than 100 forces were on site.
The A 24 was at the scene are first vollgesperrt towards Hamburg. At 09.00 a clock lane was reopened ism.