Thursday, June 3, 2010

Bögner (SPD) paid 5,000 marks for Ph.D.

Cologne - SPD politician Hans-Georg Bögner has paid a convicted fraudster 5,000 marks for a worthless doctorate.
The lawyer Bögner Dietmar Mueller said Wednesday on EXPRESS inquiry. The history of false Bögner doctorate is like a robber pistol.
1999 is the head of the SK Culture Foundation to give a lecture in Hamburg have been. "After the lecture he was approached by a Bodo Zartmann," said Mueller. "Zartmann said Bögner lacked a doctorate. And he could be helpful, to purchase these at the University of Hamburg. "
Bögner must write a doctoral thesis. To the organizational stuff he would attend, but must Bögner pay 5,000 marks.
Müller: "Then Bögner wrote his 200-page work, and has traveled to Hamburg in early 2001. He was intercepted by Zartmann on university entrance led into a room and introduced to an Prof. Dr. Vincenz Timmermann. "
But it was Punch and Judy show. There is Professor Timmermann there, but it was not who had hit the Bögner. "The time has Department of Economics, University of Hamburg, PhD 2001, no Hans-Georg Bögner," announced Vice-Dean Prof. Dr. Martin Nell EXPRESS.
An appropriate instrument would probably be forged, said Müller. "Bögner was then called in December 2008," says the lawyer. "He was told that something wrong with his doctorate. But it could help. This should probably run out on a blackmail. "
Bögner showed Zartmann to Bodo. Zartmann has been previously convicted, shall inform the prosecutor of Hamburg.
"We had and have at least since 1995, countless procedures and convictions for fraud, forgery, title, trade, violating the Arms Act," said attorney William Moller. In terms of the case against Bögner Zartmann was, however, on 6 February 2009 set: fraud-barred after five years.
Bögner now waived on a doctorate. Must he give up his Ratskandidatur? SPD parliamentary leader Martin Börschel explains: "We will decide together what to do."
Read auchSPD politicians can cancel Ph.D.>