Sunday, March 28, 2010

Gang war of the fashion mafia?

Neuss - A few days after are flown at the shoe fair Chinese product pirates identified, the police again against Chinese people - this time after a shootout in front of the used by numerous fashion companies, "House Milano" in Neuss Rhein Center (EXPRESS reported).
In Düsseldorf, the police homicide division, "Milano has been introduced. Meanwhile, there are increasing suspicions that it is a gang war of the fashion mafia.
The day after the shooting, it seems that the suspicion against the four Chinese (23 to 30 years), the short period were later arrested on Handweiser substantiate a point: "There are indications that the men were involved in the crime," said police spokesman Hans Willi Arnold.
The Asians were in a VW on the road with Italian license plates. According EXPRESS information will either be a professional car in Rome. Two other Asians initially detained were released.
 The suspects are examined for traces of smoke. And the investigators still have a trump card: How EXPRESS is researched, the deed was recorded by surveillance cameras.
"Yes, we evaluate the images straight," says Arnold. At the scene in Neuss, meanwhile, sits deep shock over the brutal deed. A Chinese businessman who wishes to remain anonymous, says: "There are discussions for months with people who want to gain a foothold - the threat to my countrymen." Also of blackmail and possible demands for protection money is mentioned.
The renowned German expert on Asian organized crime Berndt Georg Thamm. The no reason to believe that Germany has already taken in the infamous Chinese "triads" have feet. "They have their European sites tend in the Netherlands, Britain and France," said Thamm.
"However, there are indications that there are in Italy, especially in Milan, organized Chinese groups that want to have an impact on the fashion market."