Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Mosque controversy - now about minarets

Cologne - The two minarets and the dome of the planned Great Mosque in Ehrenfeld should not be smaller. The Turkish-Islamic Union for religions (DITIB) holds, despite criticism of the plans.
The two prayer towers rise even when the new mosque on Wednesday presented the draft 55 meters in height. However, the minarets are now to be held around corners. "They look delicate fact," says architect Paul Böhm. And Ottoman. On the tops of the towers six feet high crescents are planned.
Demands for smaller minarets, as collected by the CDU in Cologne, rejected Böhm: "We have come to the conclusion that from an architectural and urban planning perspective, this amount is correct."
This also applied to the 34 meter dome. Similarly, the Ditib will not reduce the space for trade. The Secretary-General Mehmet Yilderim hopes "to a great understanding in the population" for the new draft. The Mosque Committee had welcomed him already. Similarly, a majority in the Council of the SPD, FDP, Greens and Left Party.
The CDU still hopes that the mosque a few turns of small numbers. Party leader Walter Reinarz: "If it can be achieved with the Ditib no response, we will not agree."