Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Mosque controversy - now about minarets

Cologne - The two minarets and the dome of the planned Great Mosque in Ehrenfeld should not be smaller. The Turkish-Islamic Union for religions (DITIB) holds, despite criticism of the plans.
The two prayer towers rise even when the new mosque on Wednesday presented the draft 55 meters in height. However, the minarets are now to be held around corners. "They look delicate fact," says architect Paul Böhm. And Ottoman. On the tops of the towers six feet high crescents are planned.
Demands for smaller minarets, as collected by the CDU in Cologne, rejected Böhm: "We have come to the conclusion that from an architectural and urban planning perspective, this amount is correct."
This also applied to the 34 meter dome. Similarly, the Ditib will not reduce the space for trade. The Secretary-General Mehmet Yilderim hopes "to a great understanding in the population" for the new draft. The Mosque Committee had welcomed him already. Similarly, a majority in the Council of the SPD, FDP, Greens and Left Party.
The CDU still hopes that the mosque a few turns of small numbers. Party leader Walter Reinarz: "If it can be achieved with the Ditib no response, we will not agree."

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Baskets For The Playoffs are near

It was probably the missing step, which is also the last pessimists calm: After the 99:92-victory of the Telekom Baskets Bonn when the league Dino Giessen 46ers would have to reach it even with the devil if the Bonn or from the eight coveted playoff ranks slipped.
Despite 92 points for the opponent: Is Ronald Burrell and John Bowler in the form are the baskets to beat even with such high scores only with difficulty. 25 points for Burrell, 15 for Bowler, 10 rebounds and each of the two Americans - that record is impressive.
The match at the Hesse was on the whole 40 minutes a narrow box. With a 47:44-thin lead the hosts went into the half time break. Then came the grand entrance of the Ronald Burrell. Contributed 21 of his 25 points in the second half of the Americans to the victory. In the end it was the nerves of Burrell, Winsome Frazier and Miah Davis, who all came from the free throw line and the seven-point lead herausspielten.
Casting has cleverly played his options in attack and well used. The fact that we have reached 99 points, gives me much confidence for the playoffs, because we now know that we can defend both good and a good offensive game to lie, "said a satisfied Baskets coach Mike Koch after the game.
On Friday at home against Goettingen (19.30 clock, Hardtberghalle) can make the baskets the perfect entry into the playoffs then.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Podolski dedicating his double, Robert Enke († 32)

Gelsenkirchen --
The joy of scoring could not repress the grief: when quiet in the goal celebrations match against Ivory Coast Lukas Podolski, with his finger pointing to heaven.
"I think everybody knows I am a Catholic. It was a gesture for Robert. I think he is above us and watched fingers crossed," said the 24-year-old.
Podolski devoted his seventh double of the national soccer team jersey in the late team-mate Robert Enke.
"The whole team has played for Robert. And the two goals were also to Robert."
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Podolski saves Draw for Germany
So moving imaginary fans and national team, Robert Enke (†)
As mentioned recently in a 1-1 draw against Finland Podolski saved the German team also on Wednesday night in a 2-2 draw against Ivory Coast with a last-minute matches before a defeat. He was the best man on the field and scored) by Foulelfmeter also 1:0 (11. minute.
33,015 viewers in the Schalke Arena and millions on the screens were once again marvel at the "Germany-Poldi", which appears so different than the club player Lukas Podolski - even though he waved himself annoyed at this continuous theme: "It is after every game, talk about my role. But I'm sorry someday answer always the same. "
So the coach Joachim Loew took over again: "For us he has a tremendous joy of playing, is extremely involved in every training session, with great pleasure in the matter." And for the coach, despite Poldi is already 69 caps still a jewel.
"He has an incredible performance potential. He is dynamic, fast, abschlussstark. No matter at what position it is always good for goals," enthused Loew.
With six matches, he was the top scorer in 2009 DFB-team. And with the caps 36 and 37 hits-Podolski moved once in the eternal DFB-scorers at position nine with Oliver Bierhoff. All eight are within reach of him, even "Bomber" Gerd Müller (68 goals) Podolski replaces German as the scorer. But he wanted to speak on the Day of Remembrance Enke not about statistics.
"I am pleased with every match and every goal," he said. For now, one for him again the dismal league life in Cologne.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Kiosk intruder screamed for help

Bonn - Rhein, he's managed not to get out. Kiosk burglars (26) in the trap! What could he: "He screamed for help. The fire brigade had to march to free the boob-offender.
The kiosk in the Maxsstraße. The glazed roof light a large hole gapes, lying on the ground bloody shards. The culprit had smashed against the glass clock 7.10, squeezed through the opening - and in so doing slashed!
Through the broken glass stuck in the frame, he suffered cuts on his back and hands. But for the burglar's was even worse: His accomplice übelst let him down.
According EXPRESS information he had thrown the prey (tobacco packs of cigarettes) by the broken glass outside. The miners gathered up everything - and set out the dust!
It left the 26-year-old in the kiosk case. Where he had entered, he came out because of the height of the window again. Escape through a rear door not closed. It was closed. So he cried desperately for help!
Local residents heard the cries alerted the police, emergency personnel. The fire then broke the Kiosktür, freed the burglar. The injured man had to go to outpatient treatment in the hospital.
"I know the. This is a customer of mine, "said kiosk owner Naseem Magsood compared EXPRESS. Even the police are the perpetrators Dussel-known - for theft and breach of the law on drugs. The 26-year-old who has a permanent residence, is now awaiting a further criminal proceedings. The investigation is continuing.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Doctor practicing without a license at the hair salon

Dusseldorf - Dr. Hartwig B. (64) has completed his medical studies in order and practiced for years.
But then he fell because of doctors' quack. Episode: prohibition! But still he could be in a hair studio hire as a doctor. Therefore, the physician ges tern landed in court.
It is not the first experience with Justice: Dr. B. was already sitting in jail because 29 of its beauty surgeries have gone so wrong that the district court sentenced him to five years in prison. Hence four years profession.
All that he concealed in the hair studio. As a doctor, he should examine patients suffering from hair loss. Dr. B: "The aim was to weed out cases where a medical problem existed for hair loss. I have not carried out any medical practice or prescribed medication. I was not even involved in the treatment plan. "
But exactly what he had signed his employment contract. In addition, the judge noted that anyone who gets removed from the approval, may no longer call a doctor. So he sentenced to ten months as probation.